

由Pranali Mehta



That said, credible sources have reported that to curtail the prevailing challenge, the UAE-driven humanitarian initiative-20by2020, has recently announced installing ‘Safe Water Cube’ fountains across 5 rural areas of Madagascar, in an effort to enhance the quality of life of about more than 8,500 people daily.

由Agir合奏协会开发的安全水立方喷泉基于地表水的过滤技术。根据可靠的报道,其中四个喷泉已经安装在包括安提西拉贝的圣约瑟夫和Ambohijafy,Vohitrarivo的学校和Ambohijafy Talata Andraikiba的学校中。另外,这些喷泉也可以被当地乡村居民进入。

阿联酋国务卿兼阿布扎比全球市场主席时,H.E Ahmed Ali Al Sayegh发表讲话,他也是Safe Water Cube Fountain的创始合作伙伴,他引用了Madagascar的20BY 20BY 20BY ENARPTIONpivotal and life-enhancing project that caters to meet the essential water needs of various remote communities via launch of innovative yet sustainable solutions, positively impacting the people’s health and wellbeing.

他进一步补充说,20By2020倡议使已故的谢赫·扎伊德·本·苏丹·阿尔·纳赫扬(Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan)的愿景栩栩如生。

While on the other hand, the country’s Minister of Energy, Water and Hydrocarbons, Honorable Vonjy Andriamanga stated that the Ministry and Malagasy government extend their appreciation and thanks to the UAE’s leadership and 20by2020 partners for commissioning the important, life changing solutions into the rural communities of Madagascar.

来源信用:https://www.manbetⅹ 注册businesswire.com/news/home/20201130005712/en/20by20202020202020--improves-water-quality-en-rural-rural-communities-of-madagascar


Pranali Mehta是一名化学工程师,凭借资格,忠实地走下了计划的道路,并在一家化学公司工作了一年。然而,她对写作的热情使她与职业相同的事业进行了实验。具有超过三年的内容令状经验阅读更多...